About Me

Name Ebta Setiawan (My Profile on Google+)
Location Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Education Electrical Engineering of Gadjah Mada University
Interest Reading, Programming, Blogging (Database, Optimization, Desktop, Religion)
Experience WordPress, Delphi, Pascal, HTML, XHTML, CSS, PHP, Javascript, jQuery, MySQL, Oracle, Ext-Js VB (little), Photoshop, Corel Draw,… (still learning and learning)

This blog was first published around Feb-Mar 2007 and it was my first experience learning the WordPress as CMS (Content Management System). Previously I just publish using static HTML at geocities.com

I live with my lovely wife Nisaa’ Sholihah S, the owner of Rumah Bunda and my little baby, Alifa Mufida. I would like to thanks to many peoples, especially my wife, my brother (Imam Suharjo, the owner of imm.web.id), Adinda Praditya ( for giving me free hosting until the end of October 2008), Pak Haryo (Abu Fudhail) for giving me the great hosting this time and many peoples that I can’t remember..